Samstag, 13. September 2014

Streetstyle: Paris from behind

indeed, i'm officially a stalker!
When i was in Paris i took some pictures of some people who for me got the certain something...
call it Style and charisma.

 Lots of Love

Donnerstag, 11. September 2014

I still got some Parisian vibes

I wore this outfit today when i went shopping in Munich. The past couple of days were kind of stressful but still really cool because I was able to manage a lot for my future. Now i'm just super excited of what's coming next. I'm going to tell you soon :)

Shirt from American Apparel/ Trousers and Cardigan from Urban Outfitters/ Shoes from Topshop

Mittwoch, 10. September 2014

Dienstag, 9. September 2014


 DAY 4

This Outfit was based on these gorgeous shoes i bought the day before in a little shop near Montmarte. I wanted to keep the outfit really simple because the shoe itself is a eye-catcher.
I felt really good that day!

Dress from Brandy Melville/ Bag from Forever21/ Necklace from Topshop/ Shoes from Jonak


Sorry for the bad quality. I actually wore this outfit when Clara and I went out for dinner. I felt so cold that night which is the reason why i wore two jackets. Its classy but elegant. Especially because of this gorgeous red lipstick from Mac I felt really classy. Besides I love the pattern of the Top and the cardigan together..

High waisted Jeans, Joni from Topshop/ Shirt von American Apparel/ Blazer from Topshop/ Cardigan from Urban Outfitters/ Shoes from Görtz/ Bag from Forever21/ Lipstick from Mac, Ruby Woo


This picture was taken next to Notre-Dame, i went to this place like 5 beautiful! 
This outfit isn't really special but this day was one of my favourite days in Paris and i haven't felt that good on any day in Paris. But in my opinion the style of the outfit is just like Parisian women like it to wear, simple but still chic!

Dress from boho australia/ Shoes from Humanic/ Bag from Forever21/ Sunnys from Warehouse


On my last day in Paris i finally went to the Eifeltower. Because it was raining all week we planned to go there on saturday when the weather should be better. Sadly i haven't got a perfect shot of my outfit this day. This Brandy Melville dress is my absolute favourite. Felt so parisian..who would not feel Parisian in a striped dress with red lipstick (Mac, Ruby Woo). The outfit itself is effortless but jazzed up with accessorize and makeup.

Dress from Brandy Melville/ Hat Vintage/ Bag from Forever21/ Necklace from H&M


Dienstag, 2. September 2014


so this is going to be part one of my Lookbook from Paris.

In Paris i wanted to wear something parisian but still remain true to my style. Before I went to Paris i did a lot of research of parisian style. I actually had a picture of women wearing medium-lenght skirts, a lot of stripe clothes, their hair in a fluffy bun, red lipstick and not to forget the Trenchcoat.
Parisian women like to dress easy. They don't want to seem like they needed hours to put on their clothes and their makeup. They want to seem chic, elegant and classy.
Because of this I wore less accessorize, makeup and simple outfits.
In the end the main thing is to wear your outfit with class, self-confidence and naturalness.


On the first day we had quite good weather so I thought why not wear a dress. I choose this simple dress which on the other hand has a wild pattern. So the dress I thing connects simplicity and fun which is totally my thing. The shoes I thing give the look a casual vibe.

Dress from Topshop/ Bag from Forever21/ Shoes & Sunglasses from Humanic


The weather on the second day wasn't that good, it was rainy but not too cold. This means I had to wear something warmer but not too warm. I choose this outfit which may not be the perfect parisian outfit. But it is totally my style because of the black colour and the sporty theme. 

Jeans from Topshop/ Crop Top from American Apparel/ Tricot from Boston Red Socks/ Bag from Forever21/ Shoes from Görtz17


This photo was taken when me and Clara where on top of Montmarte in front of the Sacre-Coeur.
In this look I felt really parisian and I got a lot of compliments too. I love dungarees, i can wear them like all the time. This dress is like a more fun version of a dungarees. The dotted blouse gives the look a parisian vibe. All together the look is not a really "simple" outfit but do looks really natural and not too much over the top. 

Blouse from H&M/ dungarees dress from Zara/ Bag from Forever21/ Shoes from Humanic


Sonntag, 31. August 2014

Oh Paris

so the last week I went to Paris for the first time. YES, FOR THE FIRST TIME! so weird not to have been in Paris as a passionate fashionista. I had the chance to travel there with my best friend Clara. She acctually moved there until end of January..which means i'm going to travel there more often.yay!
I don't want to do too much was wonderful!!

Tomorrow i'm going to upload a Lookbook of my outfits in Paris.

Lots of Love

Dienstag, 19. August 2014


So, nun hat man soviel Zeit damit verbracht seinen Blog mehr oder weniger zufriedenstellend herzurichten und es ist die Zeit gekommen seinen ersten Blogpost zu verfassen. Wie fange ich nun an..gibt es denn überhaupt einen richtigen Anfang oder geht es eher darum überhaupt anzufangen?
Wer bin ich also? Ein paar Fakten:
Mein Name ist Lara Philine.
Ich bin 19 Jahre alt.
Geboren und aufgewachsen bin ich in Heidelberg.
Seit Ende Juli wohne ich nun in München mit meinem Dad zusammen.
Soviel erstmal zu mir..
Warum also ein Blog und vorallem was für eine Art Blog soll es sein?
Nun ich spiele schon eine lange Zeit mit dem Gedanken ein Fashionblog zu starten. Ehrlich gesagt habe ich mir schon viel in meinem Leben vorgenommen, doch habe ich mich, zumindest in den lebensverändernden Entscheidungen, nie zu dem letzten Schritt durchgewagt..das TUN!
Doch bin ich jetzt zu dem Entschluss gekommen dass ich ja nichts verlieren kann..nun hier bin ich.

Auf meinem Blog will ich mit euch vor allem meine Liebe zur Mode teilen und meine langsamen Schritte in Richtung Zukunft, wieauchimmer sie aussehen wird.
In allem habe ich vor die kleinen & großen Momente meines Lebens zu dokumentieren.